Kamu pernah pacaran? kebanyakan menjawab sudah. Ketika pacaran, yang ada di otak kamu hanya dia dia dan dia. Hampir tidak pernah memikirkan yang lain.
Rasanya, kalau tidak ketemu dia, dunia ini seperti kiamat. Tapi, jika tidak pacaran, mungkin kamu ataupun saya akan bosan. Dan pada akhirnya, kita akan memilih membaca buku saja. Saat itu, yang kita fikirkan hanya membaca buku. Membaca buku dan tidak lebih.
Dari sini, kita sudah bisa lihat kalau pacaran itu menghambat imajinasi. Ya, karena kita hanya memikirkan dia dia dan dia.
Apa manfaat pacaran? tidak ada. Tapi, jika kamu hanya suka dengan seseorang, tidak masalah. Itu (mungkin) akan membuat nilaimu bagus. Ingat ya! hanya suka dan tidak lebih.
Daripada pacaran, lebih baik kamu menulis atau belajar. Saya harap tidak ada di antara kita yang hobi pacaran. Tapi, saya tidak melarang kamu untuk suka dengan seseorang.
You (may) have often wondered "why courtship makes a low value?" I will discuss that question here.
You're never going out? most of the answers already. When courting, that is in your brain he's just him and her. Almost never think of others.
It was, if not met him, the world is like doomsday. But, if you are not going out, maybe you or I would get bored. And finally, we will choose to read a book. At that time, which we just read the book Think. Read the book and nothing more.
From here, we can see if it inhibits courtship imagination. Yes, because we only think about her and she him.
What are the benefits of dating? no. But, if you just like a person, not a problem. That (probably) will make good your grades. Remember ya! only love and nothing more.
Instead of going out, you better write or study. I hope none of us who like dating. But, I do not forbid you to love someone.
You're never going out? most of the answers already. When courting, that is in your brain he's just him and her. Almost never think of others.
It was, if not met him, the world is like doomsday. But, if you are not going out, maybe you or I would get bored. And finally, we will choose to read a book. At that time, which we just read the book Think. Read the book and nothing more.
From here, we can see if it inhibits courtship imagination. Yes, because we only think about her and she him.
What are the benefits of dating? no. But, if you just like a person, not a problem. That (probably) will make good your grades. Remember ya! only love and nothing more.
Instead of going out, you better write or study. I hope none of us who like dating. But, I do not forbid you to love someone.
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